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Job Description

We are seeking a Songleader at our community day school to help create a fun and meaningful musical environment during our weekly Monday morning tefillah (9:00-10:00 a.m.) and Friday afternoon Kabbalat Shabbat service (2:30-3:30 p.m.) for grades Kindergarten through 6th grade.

The Songleader is an integral part of our team, playing a crucial role in creating a connected community, leading and teaching songs, and contributing to the positive experience of our students and teachers.

• Provide music to contribute to meaningful Monday morning Tefillah service for K-6th grade
• Lead enjoyable and spiritual Kabbalat Shabbat for K-6th grade on Friday afternoons
• Connect to mission and values of Shalom School and act as a role model

• Musical ability and willingness to add new songs to repertoire
• Familiarity with prayers
• Working knowledge of Hebrew for purpose of leading and teaching songs (Hebrew speaking fluency not required)
• Presence to lead songs and ability to motivate and manage groups
• Enthusiasm and ability to work independently and as part of a team

Shalom School’s mission is to provide each child with an outstanding education in a nurturing environment that is academically excellent, inclusive, innovative, and inspired by Jewish values and traditions. We are a Jewish Day School and independent school that serves students from various backgrounds in preschool, Pre-K, and K-6.