Music Director

January 9, 2024

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Job Description

Job Description:
Music Director at CBS Naperville

Congregation Beth Shalom Naperville is an inclusive and growing community of over 225 families located in Naperville, Illinois, a Western suburb of Chicago. Our thriving preschool, Religious School, Adult Education, & Senior Groups contribute to our participatory, joyous celebration of Jewish life.

Our Music Director will connect our members to its Jewish identity with music and song across all ages; embrace our diverse and involved membership, creating spaces for collaboration, expression, and expansion. Their enthusiasm will knit our growing, involved community together, and deepen our spiritual connection through communal voice during services and celebrations. As a teacher of Tefilla and Trope, they will inspire our children and families through language and melody.

Responsibilities Include:

Worship Responsibilities:

Collaborates with Rabbi, Avodah/Worship Committee, and Member Participants to plan and lead inspiring services for Friday nights, High Holidays, and other holidays.
Provide musical leadership and participation opportunities during Shabbat Services, Holiday Services, and Celebrations
Lead Family Shabbat Services (1/month)
Lead Tot Shabbat (1/month)
Encourage and organize lay leader musical participation
Coordination of the congregational high holiday choir

Educational Responsibilities:

Teach Tefilla to grades 3-6
Train 6th graders in Torah and Haftorah Tropes
Collaborate with the Education Director for class participation services

Other music-related responsibilities as detailed and negotiated contractually.

We welcome Jewish applicants who demonstrate knowledge of Jewish prayer and musical skill and solid knowledge and education in Jewish Religion, History, and Music. This includes applicants who may or may not be Ordained/Certified Cantors, Cantorial Soloists, and other Jewish Educators/Musicians. The ability to play accompaniment on piano/guitar/other instrument is desirable.
Ability to pass background checks


The Music Director will prioritize duties based on season.
This is a salaried Part-Time Position. Pay range based on experience and agreed responsibilities- $20,000-$30,000 per year.

To apply, please submit a letter of interest and resumé, to: Please include links to two or three sample performance videos you would like to share with us, representative of your liturgical and song leadership. These can be shared via a private YouTube link in your letter of interest or through sharing a Google Drive file with our email address. Questions can be forwarded to this address.