Temple B’nai Abraham

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About Company

Temple B’nai Abraham is a 220ish household congregation that includes people with an array of Jewish backgrounds and interests. We have lots of music and English on Friday nights and a more traditional service on Saturday mornings. Holidays like Purim and Simchat Torah are truly fun and multi-generational. Friday evenings in the summer meet at Lynch Park and look out over the ocean. Our community is warm and pretty casual, and our services are very participatory. We have a strong social justice focus , particularly around LGBTQI inclusion and activism, and  housing access and homelessness.  We have a growing population of young adults and families with babies, toddlers and young kids – there’s an influx of people moving to the North Share.  Our Rabbi, Alison Adler, was ordained at Hebrew College and loves music even though she can’t sing that well.

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