Cantor / Cantor Intern / Soloist – Limited Service Half Time

February 3, 2025
Job Inquiry closed.

Job Description

Key Responsibilities
• Partner with our rabbi to lead Erev Shabbat services, Saturday morning B’nai Mitzvah services (6 this year), Tot Shabbat services (monthly), Holy Days/holiday worship services and lifecycle events.
– Work closely with the rabbi to prepare and lead High Holy Days services
– Lead shivah minyanim as part of the team covering these services
– Tot Shabbat services currently take place one Friday night per month
– Familiarity and comfort with Reform liturgy and music is essential.

• Cantor/Music Leader is the primary B’nai Mitzvah tutor for Torah and Haftarah preparation, and partners with the Director of Education to ensure that students are fully prepared to lead the required Hebrew prayers.
– Weekly 30-minute B’nai Mitzvah lessons may be taught remotely via Zoom approximately 75% of the time. All students will have an in-person lesson at least once a month. Students with special needs may require additional in-person lessons.
– We provide approximately 9 months of preparation for each student. Current 2025-26 schedule includes 8 students, 6 B’nai Mitzvah dates (1 set twins/1 set siblings).
• Cantor/Music Leader, ideally but not required, will participate weekly in the Ellen S. Goldin Religious School, which meets from 4-6 pm on Thursdays. Approximately 3-4 Shabbatonim take place on Shabbat mornings in which the cantor will participate.
– Cantor/Music Leader will be responsible for developing and executing a music curriculum in partnership with the Director of Education and will assist the Director of Education with teaching Hebrew as needed.

• Cantor/Music Leader will participate in weekly Sr. staff meetings and meet weekly with the rabbi.

• Cantor/ Music Leader will select and direct the annual Purim Musical Shpiel.

• If time permits in the weekly schedule, we would like to include the cantor in a limited role as part of our adult education offerings.

Other Details and Expectations
• Salary commensurate with training and experience.
• On a weekly basis, we anticipate the Cantor/Music Leader will be in the building for most of the day on Thursdays, Friday evenings for Shabbat dinners (approximately one per month), and all Erev Shabbat Services. NOTE: Religious School meets only on Thursdays, leaving most Sundays without Temple obligations.
• The Cantor/Music Leader will be the clergy partner with the rabbi in preparation and leading of all High Holy Days and Holiday services. NOTE: Cantor Emeritus Charles Romalis will participate in a limited, to be determined role. Whether we will continue the tradition of hiring a few members of a paid choir and/or invite Naomi Adler, who has served as a volunteer soloist over the past year, will be determined in consultation with the Cantor and in accordance with any budget limitations.
• We seek a dynamic and engaging cantor/music leader who will bring additional ruach and joy to our currently thriving religious school and the congregation as a whole. We continue to build a thriving Tot & Families program and would love for our cantor to enjoy working with this cohort and program.
• Temple Beth Tikvah is an extraordinarily active sacred community with programming and other offerings that far exceed many 200-family congregations. Our Cantor/Music Leader will be warmly welcomed at all programs and, from time to time, asked to participate as a teacher, speaker, leader, etc. We will work with the Cantor/Music Leader to prioritize the congregation’s needs out of respect for this being a half-time position.