Temple Beth Tikvah
About Company
Temple Beth Tikvah is a 65+ year old congregation with a rich history and deep community roots. We are blessed with many multi-generation families that keep us grounded in our values and ideals. We were founded as a Reform synagogue with a traditional slant and continue to evolve over time. As a 65+ year old congregation, we welcomed Rabbi Brian Beal in July of 2022, who serves as only our fifth rabbi. Our Cantor Emeritus Charles Romalis served Temple Beth Tikvah for over fifty years and remains involved when asked by current clergy. Cantor Romalis retired a few years ago and we have been served over the last few years by a student cantor and now by a limited service cantor. TBT has a rich musical history that is a fundamental part of who we are and we always strive to be a warm, welcoming, inclusive and engaging sacred community.