Our Goal

New Leaders in the Jewish World



Music Leader Match

Music Leader Match is a job hub and Jewish music leader database that helps connect inspiring Jewish leaders with Jewish organizations across North America who are searching for expertise in music facilitation, education, performance, prayer leadership, and songleading. Music Leader Match welcomes Jewish leaders and organizations from all denominations and backgrounds.

Music Leader Match is the final and most critical link in the Judaism Alive leadership-training pipeline, helping to give emerging young leaders who have received extensive training and mentorship — through Judaism Alive programs such as Jewish Star and the SLBC National Conference — the opportunity to discover and be discovered by Jewish organizations who will utilize their talents to create longterm impact in the Jewish world.

Judaism Alive

Judaism Alive nonprofit (501c3) has established a leadership-training pipeline involving 4 companies (Jewish Star leadership training, Songleader Boot CampJewish Rock Radio, and JKids Radio) to identify, train, promote, and place young leaders in roles throughout North America. This pipeline turns on a light for young leaders who may have previously believed there was no viable leadership path for them in Jewish life, or who never considered a long-term investment in becoming Jewish leaders. The Judaism Alive pipeline has been very successful at cultivating and placing new leaders who are already impacting Jewish life throughout North America. Over the next 5 years, Judaism Alive plans to identify, train, promote, and place 500 new young leaders in North American Jewish life – this will essentially be a Birthright of Jewish leadership.

For more information, please download the Judaism Alive brochure and visit www.judaismalive.com

Staff Members

Rick Recht

Executive director

Steven Chaitman

Marketing and program director

Zach Dalin

Media director

Elisa Heiligman Recht

Education director

Allyson Lane


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